Reflecting on 2022 and my first 4 months as a GP Trainee

Just over two hours left of 2022, and as I start writing this I am on my break at work. Contrary to what the media might have you believe, the NHS is still pushing on and we’re all doing our best to keep patients safe… but I won’t go into all that in this post.

What I do want to talk about is the importance of kindness, and how that (and the grace of God, ofcourse) have gotten me through a lot of this year.

It’s been quite a year for me too, with some big moves and changes and I’m grateful to God for getting me through to the end of it.

My time in the Emergency Department was draining, but it’s definitely been one of my favourite jobs so far, and that was largely because of the people I worked with. From supportive seniors to hilarious nurses, and colleagues who I can now call friends, as well as the patients who took time out to write me thank you notes and feedback (I cried lol), I really had a great time.

Outside work, I’ve been so blessed by the people around me – from my Model Bestie, who helped make my move to this new city so smooth, to my new friends at church, who insisted on cooking dinner for me during night shifts, and MRCRi, whose home I’ve always felt welcome in, I’ve really felt the love over the last few months.

I want to end this year by reminding anyone reading this that life is so short, and you really have no idea what people are going through. So as clichè and corny as it sounds, just be nice, you know? A kind word can really make someone’s day, so here’s to a 2023 filled with more of these. See you all on the other side!

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