My Thoughts Re: Dominic Cummings

I wasn’t even angry, you know.

I just cried frustrated, fed up tears.

Cried even more when I watched the Daily Briefing live for the first time since they started, and watched Boris Johnson defend him.

I can’t even begin to describe how gut wrenching it feels to see them stand by this disregard of lockdown rules with flimsy excuses, when people have been separated from loved ones for months because they were following the social distancing guidance.

Some of the patients on my ward have died alone, and watching my nursing colleagues cry on the phone with patients’ families as they break the bad news to them has been heartbreaking. People have really made sacrifices because of lockdown rules; what makes Dominic Cummings so special?

It’s just so unfair and really, really sucks. My final thoughts on this are from a line in Stormzy’s Vossi Bop- I won’t quote it here but let’s just say it rhymes with “Chuck Norris.”