I’ve Not Watched High School Musical in Months

I’ve mentioned many times that HSM is my go to watch when I feel down, and I used to watch it most days after work throughout my F2 year, especially after draining oncall shifts and long days on Gastro, and even more so during my Psych rotation. It got to a point that I’d get home from work and not say much to Boss, but I’d put High School Musical on and that’s how he knew I’d had a bad day.

Anyway I guess what I’m trying to say is that things might be feeling a lot for me to deal with recently, but not bad enough that I’ve had to watch my comfort film to feel better. So that’s definitely a reason to be cheerful! 🙂

(P.S. Starbucks Gal and Bangladeshi Bae came up to visit over the weekend, and it was so great hanging out with them again- so much love ❤)