The End Of My Year As A Clinical Teaching Fellow

I’ve been telling everyone I know who is currently during their foundation training (FY1/FY2) and considering taking a year out after F2 to definitely do it. F3 allllllll the way!

This year for me has probably been my favourite year as a doctor, because I was very lucky to be able to create my dream job – combining ward work on AMU, with two days a week of medical student teaching, as well as working with the Improvement Team to help the Trust and medical school support ethnic minorities more. I even had half a day of study time a week for PGCert work that was fully funded as part of my role too, what an absolute dream!

Being a CTF has made me realise that I want a career that allows me to be as flexible as this year has been, and that is one of the many reasons why I want to be a GP, but a separate post on the next stage of my training will be coming soon…

I am so so grateful for the opportunities I’ve had this year, and I’m so proud of all we’ve achieved. Some highlights from this term:

  • Launching a cookbook with contributions from staff to celebrate the diversity of our Trust, as well as support local businesses that sell the ingredients mentioned in the recipes. Proceeds from the cookbook will support the local hospital charity, and the aim going forward is for the cookbook to be included as part of a welcome pack for trainees who rotate to the Trust. Induction to a new role shouldn’t just be about the clinical aspects of it – new starters should also be welcomed to and introduced the local community.
  • My Trust launching an online reporting system for racism, based on some of the experiences I shared.
  • Saying goodbye to the students I’ve been teaching this year was sad, but I’m so so proud of how far my year 1s have come, and how much their confidence has grown with talking to patients. Definitely felt like a proud parent by the end!
  • Passing my second PGCert assignment – YAY. Two modules down, one to go!
  • Making progress with the two possible publications I’m working on with my supervisor and a professor at the university, hopefully more to come on this…
  • Completing another quality improvement project on increasing the documentation of CURB65 scores for patients with community acquired pneumonia, to improve antibiotic prescription according to Trust guidelines. I presented our findings to the Pharmacy and Infectious Disease teams, which was definitely very intimidating, but it went okay!

And last but most certainly not least, getting my contract as a Honorary Lecturer at the medical school extended till 2024. Yupp you read right, 2024! This means that I will continue to help with the delivery of lectures on racism in healthcare for the health and society module. EXCITING TIMES.

So yeah, what a year. I’ve really enjoyed it and I feel so blessed that it was made possible, because this was definitely a miracle role that was put together for me, so all I have left to say is: