Loneliness Can Be A Rumbling Pit In Your Stomach

*A telephone consultation in General Practise*

Me: Hello, how can I help you?

Patient: I’m not sure what’s wrong with me doctor, but I’ve been having some problems with gas for a while now.

Me: Okay, can you tell me a bit more about it?

Patient: Actually, it feels more like reflux.

Me: I see, and when did you first notice this?

Patient: Around January, I think, and it’s gotten worse since then and during lockdown.

Me: Have you noticed any stomach pain with it?

Patient: Not really.

Me: Any tummy swelling?

Patient: No.

Me: Have you felt nauseous or been sick with it?

Patient: No.

Me: Any changes with your bowel movements?

Patient: No, I’ve been going as normal.

Me: Any weight loss or night sweats?

Patient: No, my weight has been the same and I’ve not been sweating.

Me: Okay, so can you tell me more about this reflux?

Patient: It’s a bit odd; it started after my husband died at the start of this year, and throughout lockdown it was there all the time. Now I don’t really have it during the day, but I notice it more in the evenings.

Me: Is it brought on by eating certain things or lying down?

Patient: Not really, it comes on no matter what I eat, especially when I’m sat in my front room. Oh, and after my grandson leaves.

Me: Your grandson?

Patient: Yes, my son’s little boy- since lockdown eased I’ve been having him during the day when his parents are working.

Me: And you don’t have reflux during the day?

Patient: No, it’s always in the evenings.

Me: What else do you do during the day?

Patient: When my grandson isn’t here, it’s just me on my own- I sit and read or watch TV in my front room. I used to go line dancing and for lunches and Bingo with my friends, but it’s all been cancelled now because of COVID.

Me: Right, and it got worse during lockdown?

Patient: Yes, I was shielding here at home and had the reflux constantly then.

Me: When it first started, did anything make it better?

Patient: I think it was after my husband died in January that it started, and I had it for a couple of weeks. But it wasn’t so bad when I went to stay with my son’s family just before lockdown, before I got a letter that told me I had to shield at my own house.

Me: And that was when it got worse?

Patient: Yes, I think so.

Me: I see. And what were you hoping we could do for you today?

Patient: I was wondering if there’s anything you can give me for it? I woke up this morning and I felt the reflux again, and that was new because it’s usually in the evenings.

Me: Ahh, and that must be making it more difficult looking after your grandson as well?

Patient: Actually he’s not here today- it’s his first day back at school so won’t need me to look after him during the day anymore.

Me: Oh, right. And how do you feel about that?

Patient: I guess I got used to having him around for the company, you know? It gets quite quiet here on my own, especially in the evenings. That’s when I start thinking about my husband and how much I miss him, and seeing my friends, and then the reflux starts… oh.

Me: Oh?

Patient: You know what, doctor? I think I might just be feeling a bit lonely.

(Reader, I cried.)