Goodbye, Yorkshire

It is the 1st of August and as I write this, I am on a train that is taking me to the Midlands, where I’m starting GP training.

It’s been a week of reflecting (and crying) as I say farewell to the city (and flat) that have been my home since I graduated from university three years ago.

All I can do is thank God because He really did that! There is absolutely no way I could have survived the ups and downs of going into the unknown on my own, and God really sent help and people my way when I needed them most.

From colleagues like Lisa, who I met on my first day and haven’t managed to get rid of yet (haha I joke, SO much love for my fave future obstetrician), to my CMF and church family, who were a constant source of encouragement, and my friends who never let distance get in the way of keeping in touch, I have been so blessed to have such great people around me.

Can’t forget my actual family, ofcourse, because the last three years have really made me appreciate how close we are. I’ve met people who don’t have healthy relationships with their relatives, so knowing how loved I am is most definitely something not to be taken for granted.

I can’t reflect on my time in the north without giving a shout out to the best flatmate ever, Boss. He moved in after I finished FY1 in July 2020, and living with him has truly been one of the highlights of the last three years.

As well documented on this blog, I was so SO sad during the first COVID lockdown, so Boss moving in helped me start to make happier memories in my flat, as prior to that I’d associated the flat with feeling lonely and isolated.

And what fun memories we’ve had! Here are a few of them:

– Christmas 2020, when The Keen One a.k.a Kenny came up and we made so much food. We also watched Bridgerton and sang numerous encores on the karaoke machine that he got for me as a present, and it really was such a great day.

– That phase we went through of doing Tiktok dances during lockdown, as well as the Hello Fresh times and taking turns to cook for each other (#neverforget that time I spent a small fortune on lamb shanks…)

– Catching up on the cultural zeitgeist daily with Ken and the many phrases that are now part of my vocabulary – “It’s upsetting me and my home girls,” “It’s so funny to me… payback… I was waiting for the right…moment.”

– Heather by Conan Gray- why did we have that on repeat for so long? 😂

– ALLLL the bakes! I’ve really missed having cakes/cookies/brownies whenever I want because Boss is an excellent baker.

– So many film nights and Boss patiently listening to my fun facts about the film/actors in them, before eventually falling asleep while the film was still playing…

And so many other memories that would take ages to recount. When I think of my flat now, what stands out the most in my mind are memories that include Boss, as they are my happiest ones and I’m so glad that we lived together. Boss has been such a great friend, and I’m so blessed to have him in my life.

So yeah, that concludes the Yorkshire chapter of my life and I’m so excited for what the future will bring.

If you’ve been following this blog for a while or are new here, thanks for still reading! I know I’ve not been as good at updating it recently, but as I get settled into my new city, I’ll be hoping to get into more of a routine with it.

As always, if you’re someone who knows me in real life and you read this blog, send me a message for a proper catch up! I’m always so honoured when I find out about old friends/students who have found my blog and enjoy it, so don’t be a stranger. Trust me, I have even more to say when you get to know me properly 😊

See you on the other side!


An Engineer and Vet Visit The North

Had the BEST time last week with Louis a.k.a The Little Engine(er) That Could, and Ruth a.k.a The Vet, who came through on their promise to visit me in Yorkshire, and it was so much fun. I can’t believe it’s already been a year since they got married… time really does fly!

There were lots of fish, and food and karaoke, ofcourse (it wouldn’t be a full Visiting Tai Experience without the latter), and I feel so blessed to have such wonderful pals in my life.

Special mention to Ruth, who went out of her comfort zone joined in with the karaoke – I can definitely be quite convincing 😉


A Tale of Two Weekends

What a busy couple of weeks it’s been!

Thanks to the generosity and kindness of one of the aunties from church, I was able to go up to Yorkshire over the May bank holiday weekend and check out my future endz. It gave me the chance to view potential flats and decide where I want to live from the end of July (ahhhhhhh).

My first impression of Yorkshire was that it is very… GREEN. All that open space, so beautiful! The area I’m (hopefully) going to be living in is quite central, about 5 minutes away from the gym (so #gymTai will be making a comeback), and like 20 minutes from the hospital. So really not bad at all 🙂

Another positive about going up north is how cheap accommodation is – I’ve managed to get a 2 bed flat, with an ensuite + separate toilet/shower for less than £500 a month??? Absolute BARGAIN. Started to get the ball rolling with securing the flat, it’s all getting real now…

Again, a massive shout out to Aunty Susie for organising the weekend away – we also went to Stoke-on-Trent to check out Alice’s future endz, and the whole trip was just so much fun. I definitely ate wayyyy too much food but had to be done, you know? Here we are with Aunty Susie, what an amazing person she is.

In other news, last weekend was spent back in uni-land kicking off my birth month celebrations! For anyone who doesn’t know, I have a twin sister called Kenny, and for years we have insisted that our birthday be referred to as Tai and Kenny Day. We are very blessed to not only have friends who tolerate this, but put up with us going even further with our extra-ness this year by extending celebrations to involve the whole month.

So birth month officially started on Saturday, and involved a wholesome barbecue with a lot of food and the majority of my favourite people. Special mention and thanks has to go to my friends who were fasting because of Ramadan but still came anyway, despite it being such a hot day. What great pals! Also shout out to Abs (my mother), for coming through with yummy jollof and coconut rice, to my brother AD, for being on camera duty, and to Starbucks Gal, Shak, Lorraine and Baby Ri for being super helpful with set-up and keeping my stress levels down throughout the day. Forever grateful to have so many wonderful people in my life 🙂