Challenge of the Month: Singing At An Open Mic Night

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, and even longer since I’ve sang in public, but I was asked to be a last minute stand in for a friend from church and I’m glad I did it because it was so much fun!

We did Valerie, The Scientist and Can’t Help Falling In Love and I was super nervous to be first, but relaxed as it went on, and even felt confident enough to invite the audience to join in at the end of our last song.

Highlight of the evening was definitely my Psychiatry Consultant turning up to watch me sing! I’d mentioned it in passing during ward round that day, but never in my wildest dreams did I think he’d actually come, so kind! He sat right at the front and recorded all our performances to send to me afterwards – it really made my day.

I also convinced my team to do a bring and share lunch in honour of a rare day when all the doctors were on the ward and it was so so wholesome. Yay for making better Psych memories because it is well documented on this blog how much I suffered in F2, but now I find myself smiling and laughing a lot more at work and feeling much happier, so I thank God for that!


Junior Doctor Anecdotes: A Rare Compliment

I’m currently on long days in the Acute Medical Unit and ‘long’ is definitely right because two days in and I’M SO TIRED.

Anyway towards the end of my shift yesterday – it had been a pretty hectic day with some breaking of bad news to patients that was really tough, and so many jobs to do that I didn’t have lunch till about 5pm, my Consultant pulled me aside and said, “You’re good, very good, and you’ve done well today. I just wanted to let you know that, well done.”

(I cried).