When The Doctor Became a Patient

Over the last couple of months I’ve had the chance to experience life as a patient because of various hospital referrals and investigations. From bloods, to ultrasound, to xrays and endoscopy, your gal has had quite a lot going on, and so far I’m all good, so I’m grateful to God for that.

It’s all made me very reflective about life and how short it is, so as cliché as it sounds, it’s so important to make the most of each day because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.

Also, long live the NHS.


My First Time In Theatre As A Doctor

Guess who got to help intubate in theatre???

As you can tell, I was quite excited about this, haha. Nearly two months into life as one of the ophthalmology ward doctor, and I’ve gotten more confident/into a routine, so I get to do cool things like go into theatre and clinics.

I still don’t think ophthalmology is for me, but cataract surgery and cornea cross linkings are SO COOL.